Although I have never been to Japan, I have tasted countless different types of Japanese dishes in New York City restaurants. From my experience, I find Japanese dishes to be elegantly simple, and delicious! とんかつ is one of my favorite Japanese dishes. As seen from the picture below, it is a breaded deep-fried pork cutlet served with とんかつ sauce on top and a small portioned salad on the side.
Another type of Japanese dish that I enjoy eating is the one and only らめん。There are different types of らめん with a variety of flavors and toppings. For instance, you can add: たまご、なると、にく、or やさい。My favorite is the spicy みそらめん。And of course, with さけ!
ちかてつでニューヨークのUpper East Sideへいきました。なるとらめんのレストランでおいしいにほんのりょりをはたべます!