Thursday, February 16, 2012

About Communication

1. What I will able to take from this podcast project is mostly learning more about Japanese in various ways. I will be able to learn how to adapt to different situations where I can apply what I have learned in Japanese class. From this, I will polish my grammar and speaking skills in Japanese. Also, I will gain a larger insight on the Japanese culture. Since there will be many pod casts to view, I will see how different people approach different situations in Japanese. Also, I will expand my Japanese vocabulary.

2. Communication is about sharing a message. It is what people what to convey what they want to show in an effective manner. It is not exclusive to only speaking. A message can be communicated across various mediums such as a pod cast video or a picture.


  1. わたしもそうおもいます!

    I agree that communication isn't limited to only speaking. As you said, messages can be communicated using numerous mediums, and this podcast project will definitely reflect that.

    I'm looking forward to see how your group demonstrates different types of communication in your podcast!

  2. Hi!

    I also am looking forward to viewing different podcasts and expanding my Japanese vocabulary, especially to fit casual settings. Video and pictures definitely are a part of communication, as is body language and facial expressions (which can be expressed in videos)! :D

  3. I like how concise you were in your thoughts. It seems like you have good goals for the project and thoughtful ideas about communication.

    Like カリナ I appreciate that you mentioned that there is more than one way to communicate. This podcast will be an interesting and exciting opportunity to experiment with another form of communication!
